Ferris and friends, based in Canberra Australia flag, blog about the cars and games that inspire them most.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Saints Row 2: Best Character Designer Ever

Hi all, MrPigeon here again. I've recently started playing Saints Row 2, a recent and heavily GTA-inspired game for the XBox360 and PC. It's getting a lot of good press for adding some of the much-needed "fun" that was lacking in GTA4.. things such as the rampages and wacky side missions - which were eschewed in favour of 'realism' in the latest GTA - are all present and accounted for in SR2. But one of its biggest features is its character creator.. at the start of the game, you get to design your player character with one of the most comprehensive tools out there. If you can think of a face, chances are, you can do a pretty good job of it.

I decided that I may as well take advantage of this freedom to be able to design myself, since people who look as hideous as I do generally don't feature too often in video game entertainment. Call me crazy, but I think I did a pretty good likeness - it's rather spooky seeing myself in all these cutscenes!

Now I'd caught the character creation bug, I decided to try my hand at creating certain other people I know, starting with the owner of this wonderful blog, Ferris himself.

Chuffed with my skills, I then decided to try my hand at Dave, one of Ferris's work lackeys.. but I was not quite as successful this time around..

.. and I don't think I got our other friend Crabby right at all..