Ferris and friends, based in Canberra Australia flag, blog about the cars and games that inspire them most.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Canberra VW Get Together

Took part in a small get together today with fellow GolfMkV.com members. Eight of us met up for lunch in Manuka, then cruised a short distance to the Kingston foreshore to take some quick snaps. And quick snaps the proved to be, with the rain bucketing down soon after our arrival! A good cross section of Golf Mk5 models were represented, including GTIs, a GTI Pirelli, R32s, and an Audi S3 just to mix things up a bit :) Unfortunately I couldn't join the cruise part of the day, but I did follow the group down Adelaide Ave and Cotter Rd, which was cool in itself. And I was surprised at how many Kingston restaurant-goers looked up and smiled as we drove past, although that may have just been the awesome sound of the R32s' exhausts :)
Larger photos are available here.


Anna said...

Good stuff! Happy holidays to your and all your readers.

Ferris GTI said...

Thanks Anna, and Merry Christmas to you too :)

ian said...

Driving School ok